Sheva Center

EN | FR | IT

Spirituality and sexuality seminar

Silently, two delicate melodies, gently unveiled, 
merge, embrace and soar ...

Seminar subjects:

Sacred and sexuality.
Giving and receiving.
Union between feminine and masculine energy in us.
What is the current relationship between our feminine and masculine energy.
(Anima - Animus)
"Cleansing" ideas, beliefs, concepts, fears, that aren't part of who we are
and interfere with the union of femininity and masculinity.

We will also see how to make ourselves available to
the union between spirit and body and to the union between feminine and masculine energy.
This availability, this silence in which our essence reveals itself.

The love and respect for fragility allow us to a deep intimacy.

The love of our fragility allows us to reveal ourselves.
Only through this love, we can abandon ourselves
and share intimacy with deep respect.
To reveal oneself, to be naked, brings us back to our relationship with ourselves,
to the relationship to our body, to who we are.

The courage to open ourselves to deep intimacy,
free from all principles, allows us to be and to reborn.


3 days.
From Friday to Sunday.


Friday  10:00-13.30  /  15:30-20:00
Saturday  09:00-13:00  /  15:00-19:00
Sunday      09:00-12:00  /  14:00-15:15


French and Italian.
For english speakers, please contact us.


540.- CHF


Sheva Center
Via Lucerna 7
CH-6900 Lugano

Dates and registrations: here


Covid 19:
The course will be given online (on zoom)
only in case of federal or cantonal measures preventing certain movements or gatherings of x people.
And if you yourself are subject to quarantine, you can follow the course online from home.